Today was such a fun day! We had a “Pirate Party” day to celebrate and learn about the /ar/ sound because everyone knows pirates say, “aaargh!” I totally used all of the activities from the wonderful Babbling Abby’s TPT Pirate Mark unit (click on the words and they will take you to her TPT site), which is FAB-U-LOUS!! We made the Pirate Mark craft (which is great to use if you need time to do individual assessments – the kiddos are busy crafting and your busy assessing!), had an "ar” word hunt and received a treasure of candy bars and pirate tattoos when we found all the words. We also read her too cute Pirate Mark story and listened for words with /ar/ in them. I wish I could post pics of all the stuff we did out of the unit because it was oh so cute, but your just going to have to go to her blog to see pics of what she did. Just find her quick link for r-controlled vowels!
I even dressed up like a pirate like she did! Plus, I let the kiddos dress up too- about 7 of them did, but I let everybody make pirate hats anyway. This /ar/ sound better stick! The pic below is with one of my awesome teamies who dressed up too! I’m really getting in to this iron-on thing! The first time I did it was earlier this year for Superhero Day, my fellow teammies and I did Super Teacher shirts…pics of that will have to be posted too!
Mrs. B is making a hook with her hand…me…quite frankly I’m not sure what that pose is…let’s just say the camera and I are a little awkward together and not the closest of friends .
I’m not posting pics of the activities from Abby’s unit, but I will post pics of some of the pirate decorations I got from the dollar spot at Target (love that place!) and from the Dollar Tree.
I hung this over each of my table groups!
Party has /ar/ in it too!
I used these Ziploc baggies to house the game pieces for the /ar/ game in Abby’s unit.
Mrs. B loaned me her Lakeshore treasure chest to house my baggies of candy bars and tattoos.
It’s kinda fun to go all out, the hard part is coming up with or finding ideas for everything else. Do something with popcorn for the /or/ sound ?
Tonight was also Eat Ice Cream with Your Teacher Night at Braums. Braums does a book buddy program where they will give kids free ice cream for reading. Last month was Eat Pizza with Your Teacher because Pizza Hut does the Book It program and gives free personal pan pizzas for reading. I base the reward off of my kids monthly reading logs. In the past, I had always just handed out the certificates and that was it, but I noticed the certificates stayed in a lot of kiddos folders and never got used. So, I decided what better way to get people to use them, but schedule a night to do so! Plus, you get to eat with your teacher and classmates at night! The squeals as kids see each other makes you think they never see each other during the day!
I did the first one in December and it worked out really well – six kiddos came and had pizza. Tonight eight kiddos came and had burgers and ice cream or just ice cream. It’s perfect, because I don’t have to spend any money (which I do a lot of normally), I need to eat, and I don’t cook very much! Voila! It’s also kinda fun to interact with my kiddos and their families outside of the school setting. I’m going to have to go hunting for other restaurants that will do rewards or we may have to just rotate pizza and ice cream each month.
What a day!
Reading this reminds me of doing the camping trips with my students in Perryton. One of the things that helped us was directly speaking to managers at businesses. Most have money set aside for donations and are looking for new and inventive ways of using those funds. Keep it up!
I was planning to go to some businesses! Good idea! Thanks for your support!
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